Piano, Guitar, Drawing, Programming

What would life be without hobbies? Hobbies are the antithesis of a job. Relaxing at the piano, guitar or drawing can complete a long day. Certainly not every day, and sometimes I sit at the computer and program something else, so that the other hobbies have to rest for an evening.

But that doesn’t mean that the job can’t be fun. On the contrary, and this is also the meaning of a pole that has an opposite pole and is alone without effect:
An extension of the existing towards the better. In this sense, I at least feel my hobbies as an extension of my job and the job as a more serious fulfillment.

My piano accompanies me halfway around the world and is now in Shanghai. It has been giving me outstanding hours for over 15 years and lets me relax on the weekend or in the evening after work.
The guitar accompanies me even longer, I think since I was 18 years old. It is especially nice that even here in China, Shanghai, people stop and often shoot a video when I play music. Handmade music still gets under the skin of many people.

I have come to draw much less lately, but in case I find time next to job and the other hobbies, everything is ready for new ideas or motifs. My special thanks goes to my grandfather, who himself could draw very beautiful and inspired me at a very young age to start drawing. Unfortunately, I do not have a single drawing from him.

One of my other hobbies is programming. I must admit, it is probably not easy for some to understand how programming and art are related. But it is in the nature of things that programming is also just a form of creativity. That’s why it’s more a hobby than a profession, because professional programming is in the long run harmful for the desire to do it. In the job I use the skills actually only to simplify data processing and to keep my daily routine a little more professional.